Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, dreams are forever.
— Walt Disney
Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.
— Albert Einstein

Areas of Expertise



Film Camera

Hello my name is Daniel Barraza and I will talk about my series called “Imagination Guides You”. Inspiration for this subject matter came from me wanting to see If I could make photos similar to other toy photographers but in time that evolved into me making my own small narratives with my images. At first I was experimenting with my polaroid go taking pictures of small gnomes in different locations doing some kind of activity, that method was scratched after about a week of use because the images were not clear enough plus film cost would be to much to keep using polaroid instead I switched to my digital camera for the rest of my of my last college semester. I believe my ideas can come through my images being seen as sets of pictures, with each set having their own story being told or implied. Using my digital camera let me get as close as possible to the toys/figures being shot in order to give them a larger than life look.

This portfolio Website shows what I made in my final college photo class (which is about what scenarios or narratives can be told using toys/figures as the subjects), the use of toys gives me the freedom to create my shots in any manner I see fit because I don’t have to comply with the rules of reality since they are not real people, however I can also make the toys come alive or feel lively with the photos being taken. The use of color for my photos was mainly used to make them stand out, color use can also change the mood of an image to give it a certain feel or look. I will keep updating my portfolio with what new work I make.


Want to see more of my work click the second link to view my first portfolio site